Butterflies are the focus of our latest survey. With 57 resident species in the UK and two regular migrants, they are a fantastically diverse and colourful species group to look out for. At the base of the article you will find a recording form where you can add your sightings.
Being so diverse the NBRC thought it would be a good idea to put together a guide for spotting few notable species to get you started. There is also a link to the Wildlife Trust for Beds,Cambs and Northants’ spotters page for if you’re feeling even more adventurous!
White-letter hairstreak

White-letter hairstreak Credit: Dave James
How to Identify: The white W-shaped line on the underside of its wings is a great feature to look for. It can sometimes be confused with the black hairstreak which looks similar but has a row of black spots on it’s hindwings.
When to see in Northamptonshire: June to August
Habitat: White Letter Hairstreak can be breeding in hedgerows, woodland rides, and scrub near Elm trees.
Silver-washed fritillary

How to identify: Pale orange wings with a series of black spots and lines towards its upperwings. The underside of the rear wings is predominately lime green and pink with a few light silver streaks through them. This silver pattern distinguishes them from other fritillaries.
When to see in Northamptonshire: June to August
Habitat: Broadleaved woodland. They are predominantly found in Oak woodlands and Woodlands with sunny rides and glades.
Marbled white

How to identify: A Black and white checked pattern on it wings.
When to see: June to August
Habitat: Unimproved grasslands are usually the best but they may also be found in woodland rides and clearings across the county.
If you are interested in learning more about butterfly species in the county, please have a look on the Wildlife trust for Beds, Cambs and Northant’s website.
If you would like to submit more than one sighting or plan to submit sightings on a regular basis, please create an account. You will then be able to view, edit and download all your submitted records.
Please note that submitted records don't appear on the My Records and All Records pages straight away. We would advise that you check these pages the following day.